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  • Sandy Stetson

Fun Facts Every Visitor Should Know About Colorado

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

It is pretty much uncontested that Colorado is one of the most beautiful states in the country, but did you know it is also one of the most interesting? From its rich history to its abundance of natural beauty, there is so much more than meets the eye for the Centennial State!

Whether you have visited us before and are feeling nostalgic or you are planning your trip and want to discover some fun facts, keep reading for some of the top things to know about the great state of Colorado.

Fun Facts About Colorado:

We have always loved cheeseburgers. The first cheeseburger was allegedly constructed in Denver by restaurant owner Louis Ballast, who was awarded the trademark for the name in 1935.

We have the largest mineral pool in the world. Glenwood Springs, known as the Spa of the Rockies is the home to the world’s largest mineral pool, reaching a scalding 122 F.

We have the true Mile-High City. Boiling water might be a bit different when you visit Denver, as the city is located exactly one mile above sea level. There is even a marker at the Capitol Building that serves as a great spot for photos!

We hosted the first rodeo ever. You may think of our southern neighbors as being synonymous with the rodeo, but the first one was actually held in Deer Trail in 1869.

Our national land is abundant. A third of the state of Colorado is owned federally, making up our many acres of national forests, national grasslands, native lands and Bureau of Land Management land.

Our trains are high, too. In addition to having the Mile-High City, we also lay claim to the highest railway train in the world, Pikes Peak Cog Railway. It was installed with a special track to be able to climb the mountains.

As are our tunnels! The Dwight Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel spans between Clear Creek and Summit counties, and it is the highest auto tunnel in the world, and it sits 11,000 feet under the Continental Divide.

Are you ready for your visit to Colorado? We can’t wait to see you! Book a horseback riding adventure today as part of your unforgettable trip to our great state.

Copyright © 2021 Sombrero Stables

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Adam Smith
Adam Smith
2 days ago



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Manuel Murphy
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Albert Dexter
Albert Dexter
Sep 13, 2023

The vibrant stage lights images in this image evoke the lively arts and culture scene of Colorado. Fun facts every visitor should know about the Centennial State include its 53 peaks over 14,000 feet, the world's highest suspension bridge at Royal Gorge, and the state's claim to inventing the cheeseburger. Colorado truly shines in both its natural beauty and unique contributions to American culture.

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